PP 502358M Soft Fleece Blanket - 6 Pack

Price: $189.99

Sale Price: $161.95

Availability: Quick Ship

Prod. Code: 4PP- 502358M


502358M KinderFleece Soft Blanket - 6 Pack

  • comfort and warmth to anyone that snuggles with it. Made with a super soft fleece, it is the perfect size for Toddlers and Kids. This cozy blanket is perfect for rest time! It will ensure kids stay warm, rest well and feel secure when they are all snuggled up. This blanket is a striking purple color and hemmed on all sides. It adds extra comfort, warmth and is machine washable. For best results when washing, we recommend to machine wash warm and dry with low heat. Measurement of 36” x 45”.

  • Color Choice: Mint, Blue, Red, Green, Purple or Assorted


KINDERMINT kinderfleece BLANKET mint red blue green purple