Carpets for kids, kid carpets, classroom rugs, colorful carpets, hop scotch rug, play rugs

MD-9424 4-in-1 Game Rug

Price: $78.99

Sale Price: $52.95

Availability: 1 to 2 weeks

Prod. Code: MD-9424


9424 4-in-1 Game Rug

It's all fun and games with this playful activity rug! The design incorporates four classic board games Tic-Tac-Toe, Checkers, Nine Men's Morris, and Solitaire - so there are lots of ways for kids to learn and play.  The rectangular rug is woven from durable material that is stain-resistant and machine washable. A skid-proof backing makes it safe for all floor surfaces, and a reinforced border binding prevents fraying. Game play promotes cognitive development, problem-solving, and fine motor skill development, and is made to last for years of game-time fun!

The set includes 36 double-sided wooden play pieces in a mesh bag and detailed game instructions.

78.5"L x 26.5"W

4-in-1 Game Rug